Economy, Japan

The Stock Market Rises in Japan

Is the bubble economy back? The Nikkei recently closed at a record high, surpassing its previous 1989 high by just a hair. You remember what happened immediately after that, don’t you?

I’ve seen a lot of excitement about this news online, but it doesn’t seem to take into account that Japan is also officially in a recession. It’s a bit troublesome to declare Japan an economic powerhouse while it’s currently mired in economic stagnation.

I guess I see the reason that so many analysts are optimistic, but we need realism, not optimism. After all, building expectations to unreasonable heights will only lead to disappointment and frustration when people don’t get what they expected.

But maybe they’re right this time. It’s just strange to see such wild optimism in the media shortly after the official declaration of a recession. But that’s because many businesses are recession-proof, so they won’t be as severely affected as the rest of us.


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