China, English Education, English in Japan, Japan, USA, World

A Vital Tip for Acquiring a New Language

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re interesting in learning a new language. And that’s great! New languages help you communicate with people all over the world, open up new avenues of opportunity, and can even lead to new careers.

But some language learners make some unfortunate mistakes that hinder their learning. I would like to address one important point in this blog post. Let’s read along and find ways to improve our learning skills.

A language learner should focus on memorizing and using easy words and expressions in everyday conversations. This is important because one needs to build his or her vocabulary before proceeding. Without a foundation, no building can stand.

Perhaps this may become frustrating to students who want to develop their language skills quickly. But this step is not to be missed. It certainly beats what other students sometimes try to do.

And that is simply translating your native language into the second language in question. This method never works very well. It requires too much thought when language utilizes automatic response.

So focus on building that foundation. Don’t worry about translating your thoughts. When you build your vocabulary and grammar knowledge, no translation will be necessary. Your language will naturally flow!

Please use this advice when studying a new language. In fact, let us know how it goes. We believe you will find it works much better for you. Good luck with your practice!


Asia, China, Japan, Tokyo, World


NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) has been considering opening an office in Tokyo with the support of the Japanese government. The public has not been given any details or definite plans, but only knows that this is being discussed. This liaison office would be NATO’s first office in Asia, but not everyone is thrilled about it. It is no surprise nor secret that this office would be made in response to current issues with China. Without these tensions with China, this liaison office in Tokyo would probably not be considered. However, it will also keep a watchful eye on Russia and North Korea.

In the midst of the friendliness between Russia, China, and North Korea, NATO wants to show its own strong union. There is one slight problem– not all NATO treaty members are in favor of an Asian office, especially France. 

France’s leaders are trying not to rock the boat with China in hopes of having a mutually beneficial relationship. As a result, President Macron has reportedly objected to the opening of a Tokyo office. He stated that the offices should stay in the North Atlantic and not expand to areas outside.

As a vital member of NATO, France has the ability to singlehandedly block this proposal. As of now, it is also the only country to have apprehensions regarding this matter which I imagine is frustrating for everyone else who is involved. Soon, we will have more clarity and see whether the office will open.
